The Publications of Sifu Ian G. Protheroe

Eternal Springtime Boxing
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
“Eternal Springtime Boxing” is Sifu Ian Protheroe's latest book and as usual is presented in quality, hardcover format. It's 420 pages cover both internal and external aspects of Wing Chun, a large section is devoted to leg techniques and kicking while the wooden dummy, rattan ring and weapons defence all receive a great deal of attention. Knife and stick defences are paramount in this book and offer an informed view in practical self defence against an armed opponent. The chi sao section includes switches combining pre-determined, standard Wing Chun drills to provide a continuous flow from drill to drill, in both photographic and diagrammatic format. It also covers history, philosophy, basics and numerous other insights into the Art of Wing Chun. It is non style biased and covers both mainland China and Hong Kong schools of thought towards Wing Chun.
(A4 size hardcover)

Wing Chun Theory and Composition
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Wing Chun Theory and Composition is an excellent reference textbook on the Wing Chun system. It offers a thorough analysis of fundamental theories rather than being just another “technique book”. In the 384 pages of information, theories are laid out concisely using combinations of diagrams, photos, and editorial. Presentation of the book is of the highest quality, sporting a hard cover and printed on gloss paper. The book begins with the history of the Wing Chun system and the evolution of Protheroe’s research. The next 100 pages are devoted to the ABCs of Wing Chun, covering all the principle theories, stances, footwork, and arm positions. The three open hand forms are presented using detailed line drawings showing the movements, supplemented with descriptions and diagrams that highlight subtle details. The book continues on to Chi Sao and Chi Gerk which, apart from the author’s informative approach, provides some very valuable drills for the serious practitioner. Traditional training methods, such as the use of the rattan ring are explained and will provide insights to those not currently using traditional training apparatus. The treatment given to the Muk Yan Jong (wooden dummy) is unprecedented in the detail provided. The author presents an analysis of the Yin/Yang values of the Muk Yan Jong sets, explains the importance of the angles and layout of the Jong, as well as supplementing all descriptions with line drawings. Sifu Protheroe’s textbook on Wing Chun is a summary of over 15 years of research, and should be considered a must for all serious Wing Chun practitioners.
(A4 size hardcover)

Wing Chun Technique and Philosophy
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This book explores Buddhism and Taoism and their impact on Wing Chun. Traditional training methods such as paper and flame punching, chopstick twisting and sandbag conditioning drilling methods are also included in detail. Protheroe goes on to examine the fighting mindset of Wing Chun before devoting the following 30 pages to Wing Chun fighting techniques; they include, single opponent, armed attackers and multiple opponent scenarios. Trapping and chi sao techniques follow with a series of training forms designed to expand the striking repertoire of the Wing Chun practitioner. The Hong Kong form of the Muk Yan Jong is included in detailed line drawings along with footwork and kicking sequences for the Saam Sing Jong (three star dummy) and the Chi Gerk Jong (sticky leg dummy). The book concludes with a section on philosophy directly relevant to martial arts students. The book has a gold embossed, hard cover and is approximately 200 pages.
(A4 size hardcover)

Wing Chun Weapons: Butterfly Swords and Dragon Pole
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Wing Chun Weapons is Sifu Protheroe’s third major work and covers in detail the traditional weapons of the Wing Chun system. It is the most complete book on this topic ever published and covers a host of training methods, forms and technical details of the weapons. Protheroe outlines his personal development with the pole and swords and how his fencing methods have developed over 2 decades. The book basically covers a complete syllabus for learning both weapons; it includes training drills with predetermined attacks and defences, short training sets to familiarize the practitioner with the weapons and much more. His approach is systematic and leaves no areas untouched. Conditioning methods for both weapons are included as are specific Jongs for both weapons. The pole section includes drills for Chi Kwun (sticky poles), basics and footwork, power techniques and the Look Dim Book Kwun form. The presentation of the book is, as usual first class, sporting a gold embossed, hard cover and quality paper.
(A4 size hardcover)

Wing Chun Sil Lum Tao Form
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Originally published in 1992 this manual has been a popular and valuable text for all Wing Chun students. The manual covers the correct breathing methods and technical details of Wing Chun’s first form. The form is demonstrated with clear line drawings and text. It covers correct punctuation, stance, meditation and the development of short range power.
(A4 ring-bound card covered)

Wing Chun Sil Lum Tao Form
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This short manual should be of particular interest to students of the Traditional Wing Chun system. It forms a bridge between the fundamental Sil Lum Tao form and Chum Kil form. It outlines footwork patterns and advanced breathing techniques.
(A4 ring-bound card covered)

Chum Kil - Wing Chun’s Dynamic Second Form
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Originally published in 1992 this manual has been a popular and valuable text for all Wing Chun students. The manual covers the correct breathing methods and technical details of Wing Chun's first form. The form is demonstrated with clear line drawings and text. It covers correct punctuation, stance, meditation and the development of short range power.
(A4 ring-bound card covered)

Wing Chun’s Bil Jee Form
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This manual covers in detail the complete Traditional Wing Chun Bil jee form. It includes the “lost” bil sao section removed from the form in the early 1980’s. This set is now shown completely for the first time in the world. It also includes a complete history of Wing Chun, stances, technical details of each set and is shown in both photographic and detailed line drawings. A must for all serious Traditional Wing Chun students and historians.
(A4 heat-bound clear plastic covered)

The Traditional Wing Chun Wooden Dummy
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This is the only book published in the world on the complete Traditional Wing Chun Dummy form. The 14 sets are clearly shown in photographic sequence. Each set includes a concise technical breakdown. It also contains detailed plans for the construction of a Traditional Wing Chun wooden dummy.
(A4 heat-bound clear plastic covered)

The Rattan and Iron Rings of Wing Chun
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This is the only book published in the world on the Rattan and Iron Rings of Wing Chun. It covers history, anatomy of the ring, conditioning and meditating with the ring. The four major forms of the ring are covered in both text and photographs.
(A4 heat-bound clear plastic covered)

Wing Chun Kuen
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
The purpose of this booklet is to provide a detailed overview of the Wing Chun system to enable the student to gain a firm foundation and understanding of the basic content of Wing Chun. The first section covers the conditioning methods used by Wing Chun practitioners, the second section covers basics, Chi Sao, and self defence techniques.
(A4 heat-bound clear plastic covered)

Conditioning for Wing Chun
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This small manual is designed to instruct the student in the correct method of warming up and body conditioning to enable them to perform techniques correctly and minimize the potential for injury. The techniques contained within, cover conditioning for all areas of the body, some are Traditional Chinese, others more modern.
(A5 card covered)

How to Build a Wing Chun Wooden Dummy
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This small manual has sold over 10,000 copies worldwide since its first release in 1990. It contains detail plans for the construction of the Wing Chun wooden dummy.
(A5 card covered)

DVD: The Wing Chun Fighting System
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
This DVD clearly demonstrates the no-nonsense approach to combat that has allowed the art of Wing Chun to survive for over three centuries.
The DVD focuses on how the fighting system is used in specific fighting ranges: Pre-contact Range, Kicking Range, Punching Range, and Trapping and Grappling Range.
Originally filmed in 1992, it was re-mastered and re-edited to coincide with the release of the book: WING CHUN - THEORY AND COMPOSITION
This DVD is a “must” for all serious Wing Chun practitioners.

DVD: Traditional Wing Chun Forms
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
On this DVD he demonstrates all of the Traditional Wing Chun open-hand forms, as well as the wooden dummy form, butterfly swords and dragon pole. This is the first time that all of the traditional forms have been presented on one DVD. He has purposely omitted any dialogue that may distract the practitioner. The forms are presented in both real-time and slow motion accompanied only by traditional Chinese music.

DVD: Wing Chun’s Rattan Ring
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Sifu Protheroe has been a practitioner and advocate of the rattan ring for
over 25 years. This DVD is an edited version of two, three hour seminars on the ring by Sifu Ian
Protheroe. It runs for over 2.5 hours and covers basics, training drills, practical forms and a
series of exercises for the Rattan Ring. As it was recorded “live” the audio quality
is not that great but the overall content is priceless. A welcome addition to anyone interested
in Wing Chun’s Rattan Ring.
“Thanks for popularising the use of the Rattan Ring in Wing Chun. Your dedication over the past 20 years has helped turn this obscure training device into one of the more popular pieces of Wing Chun equipment today.” - Aaron Cantrell, Everything Wing Chun, USA.

DVD: Wing Chun’s Saam Sing Jong
by Sifu Ian Protheroe
Sifu Protheroe is considered to be one of the world’s leading authorities on the saam sing jong having studied, practiced and taught it for over 25 years. In the 1990’s he published two articles on the jong in Australasian Blitz magazine. In 2002 he published his second major book entitled Wing Chun Technique and Philosophy which included a section on the saam sing jong, this DVD is the first of its type and demonstrates both the martial and meditational aspects of the jong.
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