following text is drawn randomly from Sifu
Ian Protheroe's series of books on the
Wing Chun System. Some have also been published
previously in Australasian Blitz Magazine,
Bujutsu International Magazine and Australasian
Fighting Arts Magazine, all accompanying
photos have been omitted.
It should be
noted that all material is subject to copyright
and may not be reproduced in any manner
without written permission of the author.
with the permission of Australasian Fighting
Arts Magazine, Editor Kevin Brennan.
A Matter of Balance Buddhism and Wing Chun A Lifetime of Discipline An Analysis of the Chung Chi Logo Yin and Yang, its effect on Chinese society
Wing Chun Contact Sparring
Long Pole
Wing Chun Long Pole Wing Chun Sticky Pole
Wing Chun Real Sword Skills Kung Fu Butterfly Swords Living by the Sword Using Wing Chun Butterfly Swords
Technique Workshops
Lapel Grab and Punch Right Cross, Left Round Kick Two Opponents in Front and One behind Charging Opponent Front Choke Front Kick Kicked on Ground Lapel Grab Left Grab with Right Cross Overhand Stick Rear Bear Hug Rear Choke Right Cross with Right Front Kick Right Cross Knife Thrust Side headlock
Punch Defence Street Defence
History of Wing Chun
Heavy Hand Training Sticky Leg Training True Nature of Kung Fu Training
Plum Flower Dummy
Plum Flower Dummy
Wooden Dummy
Kung Fu's Wooden Man Muk Yan Jong, The Wooden Dummy of Wing Chun
The Art of Trapping The Trapping Hands of Wing Chun
Three Star Dummy
Training on the Three Star Dummy Footwork on the Three Star Dummy
Rattan Ring
Kung Fu's Rattan Ring Rattan and Iron Rings of Wing Chun
Wing Chun Pak Sao Wing Chun Kicking Technique Wing Chun Leg Attacks Truth About Power and the Wing Chun Punch