Academy Schools
Camp Hill Kwoon (Queensland, Australia)
The Academy offers classes 3 times weekly: Mon and Wed 7-8.30pm and Sat mornings 9-10.30am.
Gradings for all branches are conducted
in April, August and December at the Camp Hill Kwoon.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Venue:
Academy HQ - Camp Hill
Contact the Academy for directions.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to class time.
The Academy has been operating since 1986. At least two qualified instructors are always present to assist new students.
Sifu Ian Protheroe was born in England in 1954 and has been involved in the study of Martial Arts for most of his life. Since immigrating to Australia in 1960 he has become one of the country’s most respected instructors.
A respected author and teacher, he has featured in numerous Martial Arts publications and conducts seminar workshops for various groups throughout Australasia. He currently oversees his schools in Australia and New Zealand and instructs, on a private basis, students who wish to improve their lives through the study of Kung Fu.
For further information please feel free to contact Sifu Protheroe directly on 0437-839-792 or email,